HMS Families: The August Newsletter is out in our new format. Please check it out here!
2 months ago, Hoquiam Middle School
Dear Hoquiam Cubs and Families: You will receive the following information this week in the mail. But we wanted as many of you to have it ahead of time. On behalf of the staff at Hoquiam Middle School, I would like to welcome our students and families back for the 2024-25 school year! First, some dates to put on your calendar: • August 21-The HMS Office will re-open for the year. Office hours in August will be from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. • August 21-Football begins. All paperwork must be cleared in Final Forms prior to the first day of practice. For more information, call Shane Krohn, District Athletic Director, at 360-538-8213, or you can email him at • August 26-Girls Soccer (6th, 7th, and 8th Grade), and Cross Country (6th, 7th, and 8th grade boys and girls) begins. All paperwork must be cleared in Final Forms prior to the first day of practice. For more information, call Shane Krohn, District Athletic Director, at 360-538-8213, or you can email him at • August 27-Cub Day: Students can get locker assignments, schedules, pay fees and for ASB cards, and students can tour the school and see where their classrooms are. This is from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND STUDENTS PRACTICE OPENING THEIR LOCKERS prior to school. We will also be signing up families for their Family Engagement Meeting with your child’s Homeroom teacher on either September 4, 5, 6. In the evening there will be an orientation for 6th grade students and new students and parents from 6:00-7:30 p.m. • Friday, August 30-HMS Office Closed • Monday, September 2-Labor Day-School closed • Wednesday, September 4-First Day of School. The cafeteria is open at 7:30 a.m. for those wanting breakfast. The academic areas open at 8:05 a.m., and classes begin at 8:15. School is dismissed at 11:20 a.m. Family Engagement conferences will be from 11:50-3:20 p.m. • On September 4, 5, 6 (The first three days of school) the entire Hoquiam School District will be running half days, so that families can meet with teachers for Goal Setting and informational conferences. Students will be released at 11:20 a.m. on those days. These conferences will be roughly 15 minutes. At HMS families will meet with your child’s Homeroom teacher. Staff and Teachers will be reaching out to schedule a date and time for your conference at the end of August, and you can also sign up for a time at Cub Days. Conferences will run from 11:50-3:20 pm daily. We will be providing students with supplies again this year. These will be handed out at school during the first week. If you are going to buy any supplies for your student we always recommend notebook paper, and whatever pens and pencils they seem to like. We are supplying everything else. As you start school clothes shopping, please be mindful of the dress code that students are asked to follow at school. Here are the guidelines: • Shirts must be long enough to cover the midriff. • Tank tops should be able to cover all parts of undergarments (shoulder straps). • Pants must be worn at the waist. Use a belt if necessary. Rips/tears should be minimally revealing (below mid thigh on the leg) and/or have a second layer underneath. · Halter or sheer clothing items are not to be worn. • Slippers, capes, costumes or blankets are NOT permitted at school. Exceptions for Spirit Weeks • Shoes must be worn at all times. • Hoods on sweatshirts must be worn down (not on head) during school hours. • Bandanas may be confiscated if worn in a gang-related fashion (over face, around a leg, as a headcover, etc.) • Any item/brand relating to companies promoting alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, tobacco products, or sex or sexual innuendo is NOT permitted. Communications from the school come in the following ways: · Facebook, and our web page (information below) · Mass emailing through Skywards to your listed email address · Sometimes Letters are sent home at the end of the day. We try to alert you when we do that as things can get “lost” in a backpack. · Mass Phone communication from the school. Be warned that if you miss the call it can show up in your call history as a “School Alert” but that these calls can be for any reason. · Letters are mailed from the school for individual issues, and sometimes in mass depending on the situation. · A monthly newsletter is published at the end of each month, and links are emailed out to students and parents and also posted on our website and Facebook.
2 months ago, Hoquiam Middle School
HMS Families: We are rapidly coming up on the start of fall sports seasons. Football begins August 21, and Cross Country and Girls Soccer begin Monday August 26.. For newcomers to Hoquiam Middle School, we use Final Forms to house our athletic paperwork, and all forms must be completed and the athlete cleared before the first day of practice for the student to participate. Our Fall Sports are 7th and 8th grade Football, Girls Soccer (grades 6-8) , and Cross Country (boys and girls grades 6-8). We will have more information on practice times soon. If you are looking for Final Forms, you can find it at this web address: Parents need to create an account. Here is where you can find directions for making an account: A reminder to parents that students turning out for all sports must have a current athletic physical.
3 months ago, Hoquiam Middle School
HMS Families--Recently attendance phone calls went out to several if not all of you. We aren't sure why, yet, but they were not triggered by the school. Our technology team is checking into it. We apologize for any confusion or consternation this may have caused.
3 months ago, Hoquiam Middle School
HMS Families: For the final time this school year, our Week at a Glance: Early releases both days, Monday at 1:15, and Tuesday at 11:20. The HMS office will be closed Wednesday and on summer hours for the remainder of June.
4 months ago, Hoquiam Middle School
HMS 8th Grade Families: Tomorrow is the moving up ceremony. 8th Graders will start their day at HMS, and then we will make our way to HHS Gym for practice around 8:20. Students will be excused to an adult after practice, to go home and change. They may also return to school if that isn't going to work. The ceremony is at 11:30 a.m. Students are asked to be there no later than 11:15 so we can ensure they are lined up properly. Afterwards, students are dismissed for the day (It is a normal schedule for 6th and 7th graders). If a student needs to return to school, they will be able to do so.
4 months ago, Hoquiam Middle School
Week at a Glance for June 10-14: A big week for our 8th graders!
4 months ago, Hoquiam Middle School
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HMS Family Reading Night: Come join us on Wednesday, June 12 at the HMS Cafeteria for some food, activities, and a chance to kick off your student's summer reading with the Timberland Regional Library. Things get started in the HMS Cafeteria at 5:30! We hope to see you there!
5 months ago, Hoquiam Middle School
June Edition of the Cubby Chronicle newsletter is out. Click the link to check it out!
5 months ago, Hoquiam Middle School
HMS Families: Week at a Glance for June 3-7. Enjoy your weekend!
5 months ago, Hoquiam Middle School
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HMS 8th Grade Families: More information on the 8th Grade Meeting on Monday, June 3.
5 months ago, Hoquiam Middle School
HMS 8th Grade Families: On Monday, June 3, the high school is hosting an evening for our 8th grade families featuring Pizza and a guest speaker who will speak about overcoming the challenges of the 8th to 9th grade transition. It is HIGHLY recommended. Pizza will be served at 5:30 in the HHS Student Center, and the speaker will present beginning at 6:00 p.m. We hope to see you there, and if your kid is busy, its great information for parents.
5 months ago, Hoquiam Middle School
HMS Families: Next week is Spring Spirit Week! Here is a listing of the days: Monday: Neon/Color Day (wear neon or all one color): Tuesday: Sports/Jersey Day; Wednesday: Zoom to Work or Dress Like a Job Day (okay, I had to have this one explained to me too....Zoom to Work: Pajamas, sweats or shorts with professional attire up top...Dress Like a Job--Dress up as a job ex. Construction Worker, etc.); Thursday: Hawaiian Day or Vacation Dad Day (doing our part to keep the Hawaiian shirt industry going); Friday: White Out or Black Out Day-Wear all white or all black attire. Woohoo! Just some pointers on Vacation Dad Day from a vacationing dad...the tube socks need to be at least calf high with the sandals, and bonus points for a fanny pack.
5 months ago, Hoquiam Middle School
HMS Families: The link will take you to a Google Form Survey. We are trying to compile information for our Pre-Summer Reading night which is scheduled for Wednesday, June 12 here at HMS. If you could please take a few moments to complete the survey that would help us a lot. Thank you!
5 months ago, Hoquiam Middle School
HMS Families: We regret to inform you that due to staffing issues, the after school program is finished for this school year. We are sorry for the lateness of this notice. We have announced to students so they can arrange transportation home.
5 months ago, Hoquiam Middle School
Addition to the Week at a Glance: On Friday, May 31, the Multilingual Family Night will take place from 6:00-7:30 pm in the HMS Cafeteria. There is important information, recognitions, and free hot dogs, ice cream and water provided by the district. Families are also encouraged to share their favorite dish if they wish. Sorry for leaving that event off!
5 months ago, Hoquiam Middle School
Week at a Glance: May 27-31--No School on Monday, Memorial Day; District Band Concert on Thursday; Youth Mental Health Walk on Friday, 12:30. Please take a moment to remember those who served who are no longer with us this Memorial Day. Enjoy your long weekend.
5 months ago, Hoquiam Middle School
HMS Families: We are looking for feedback on parent and family engagement, and learning supports for your child. The flyers are for an event on Thursday May 30, from 5:00-6:30 pm.
5 months ago, Hoquiam Middle School
HMS Families: Week at a Glance for May 20-24: Track season comes to an end, Choir Concert on Wednesday, and no school on Friday. Enjoy your weekend.
5 months ago, Hoquiam Middle School
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HMS Families: Basketball Camp opportunity in June! Sarge's Basketball BAsic Training is now partnered with USA Basketball to bring skill development to boys and girls across the country. This program will focus on all levels of play and will provide the campers with a complete skills package to help them grow in the game. The Hoquiam Camp will be June 19-20 at the Hoquiam High School Gym. Grades 2-7 will run from 8 am-noon. Grades 8-12 will run from 1 pm-5 pm. The Cost is $80 per session. Enrollment forms are in the HMS Office.
5 months ago, Hoquiam Middle School